Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Daily Kicks

 When people start taking Martial Arts classes many will ask:  "How long does it take to get a Black Belt?"   At Guerrero's Shotokan  it usually takes 3-5 years of serious training.  The journey of becoming a Black Belt and embracing the character it takes to be a Black Belt in a Traditional school is part of a rich experience where you will learn a great deal about yourself.   You are tougher than you realize.

I have had students ask me, "How do you get the Black Belt?"  My answer is always the same, "Don't quit taking classes and you will get a Black Belt.  It is simple.  You can succeed at most things in life with one main concept:  "Don't quit!"

Sensei Julie Haskins 4th Degree Black Belt, Renshi

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What does it mean to be a Black Belt?

  Being a Black Belt encompasses many things.  Number one, it means you are a hard worker and you don't give up.   Those two entities ar...