Shotokan Karate
Kihon (the basics)
Traditional Shotokan Karate is an old Martial Art originating on the island of Okinawa. Karate means "Empty Hand", thus the hands/feet and entire body are used in training, rather than weapons. The student in Shotokan learns basic punches, kicks and blocks as an effective means of self defense.
Shotokan Karate is a wonderful Martial Art for overall physical fitness
and conditioning. The benefits of training in Shotokan are almost
unlimited, but flexibility, coordination, breath control, focus, and
increased muscle mass are all included.
Kata is the foundation of Shotokan Karate. Historically, the Katas practiced in Shotokan were created by many of the old Masters who were guards to the Emperor of Okinawa. There are 26 Katas in the system of Shotokan. Kata development takes many years of practice and helps the student further improve their techniques, breathing and the ability to defend themselves from any direction. Learning Kata and the techniques within the Kata are central to training.
The student will study not only the basic movements of the Kata, but also the Bunkai. Bunkai is the application of each movement, or how the movement could be used in a real life situation if attacked.
The techniques learned in Kata are put into practice during sparring. All students at Guerrero's Shotokan including the children participate in sparring. This gives the student practice in defending themselves, in being harder to grab or restrain by proper movement and evasion and it keeps the student from freezing if ever attacked. Sparring practice is a beneficial component to overall training in Shotokan.
Recommended Literature
Below is the recommended literature for Shotokan Karate. These texts come highly recommended by Sensei Guerrero.
Karate-Do Kyohan: The Master Text - Gichin Funakoshi
Hardcover: 266 pages
Publisher: Kodansha USA; 1 edition (January 25, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1568364822
ISBN-13: 978-1568364827
Product Dimensions: 10.3 x 1.1 x 7.6 inches
Nineteen kata ("forms") of karate-the art of self-defense without
weapons-are presented here in complete detail. They are the ones
selected by the great master and teacher, Gichin Funakoshi, to give
comprehensive training in Karate-do, the way of karate.
Fully illustrated demonstrations by the translator cover not only
every technique of the kata but also the fundamentals and applications:
how to make a fist; the correct form of the open hand; preliminary
training in blocking, striking and kicking; the seven stances; and
The author presents, besides kata that he himself originated,
beginning and advanced kata from both the Shorei school and the Shorin
school, the former remarkable for their forcefulness and development of
strength, the latter characterized by their gracefulness and lightning
The Way of Kata: A Comprehensive Guide for Deciphering Martial Applications - Lawrence A. Kane, Kris Wilder
Paperback: 310 pages
Publisher: Ymaa Publication Center (August 30, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1594390584
ISBN-13: 978-1594390586
Product Dimensions: 7.4 x 0.9 x 9.4 inches
The ancient masters developed kata, or "formal exercises," as
fault-tolerant methods to preserve their unique, combat-proven fighting
systems. Unfortunately, they deployed a two-track system of instruction
where an 'outer circle' of students unknowingly received modified forms
with critical details or important principles omitted. Only the select
'inner circle' that had gained a master's trust and respect would be
taught okuden waza, the powerful hidden applications of kata.
Shotokan's Secret: The Hidden Truth Behind Karate's Fighting Origins - Bruce D. Clayton PhD
Paperback: 400 pages
Publisher: Black Belt Communications; Expanded edition (May 1, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0897501888
ISBN-13: 978-0897501880
Product Dimensions: 6 x 1 x 9 inches
About the Author
Bruce D. Clayton, PhD, has studied the art of karate since 1973. He holds a seventh-degree black belt in Shotokan karate and he is the creator of Jein Do, a self-defense course for young women. He is the author of the Black Medicine series, Fallout Survival, Life After Doomsday, Life After Terrorism, and Thinking About Survival. He has appeared on 60 Minutes, the CBS Evening News, Today, and the Tomorrow Show. He lives in Yosemite, California.
Beginning with a thorough historical analysis of its 19th-century
origins, the lore behind the art of Shotokan karate is dissected in this
revised handbook. Describing how this style was invented by the world's
only unarmed bodyguards in Okinawa, this account depicts the impossible
odds these men endured in order to protect their king and avoid a
costly bloodbath. Featuring five chapters of new material and a striking
array of illustrations depicting the Heian katas, this overview
demonstrates how each kata contains a precise lesson outlining the
necessary skills to meet a specific threat. Going beyond the bare-handed
application and revealing a more innovative, holistic approach to an
ancient style of self-defense, this reference is ideal for martial arts
historians and practitioners alike.
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