Monday, May 20, 2024

Daily Kicks

 Many Adults, especially women, feel self conscious in starting Martial Arts classes.  Children are typically not so self conscious and are willing to try all the activities in class.   Ladies, don't let that stop you from learning some self defense techniques.    Have you ever thought what your family would do without you? If you did not survive an attack, your family would have to learn to live with a big hole in the family structure.  That goes for Men, too.  What would your family do without you?   Summer is a good time to do family activities.  Why not try Martial Arts with your family?  It is a great family activity and Guerrero's Shotokan is blessed to have several families in the school.  We have entire families taking classes together.  Our school does not judge students if they are a bit uncoordinated or if they struggle with balance, etc.   We as instructors struggled with the same issues when we started and we have not forgotten those first classes we took many years ago.  If you keep coming to class and practicing all those things improve.

Call us at: 816-224-4447 and start your journey!

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