Friday, May 24, 2024

Dojo closed 5/27/2024

 In observance of Memorial Day, the Dojo will be closed May 27, 2024.   We will reopen on May 28, 2024.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Daily Kicks

 When people start taking Martial Arts classes many will ask:  "How long does it take to get a Black Belt?"   At Guerrero's Shotokan  it usually takes 3-5 years of serious training.  The journey of becoming a Black Belt and embracing the character it takes to be a Black Belt in a Traditional school is part of a rich experience where you will learn a great deal about yourself.   You are tougher than you realize.

I have had students ask me, "How do you get the Black Belt?"  My answer is always the same, "Don't quit taking classes and you will get a Black Belt.  It is simple.  You can succeed at most things in life with one main concept:  "Don't quit!"

Sensei Julie Haskins 4th Degree Black Belt, Renshi

Monday, May 20, 2024

Daily Kicks

 Many Adults, especially women, feel self conscious in starting Martial Arts classes.  Children are typically not so self conscious and are willing to try all the activities in class.   Ladies, don't let that stop you from learning some self defense techniques.    Have you ever thought what your family would do without you? If you did not survive an attack, your family would have to learn to live with a big hole in the family structure.  That goes for Men, too.  What would your family do without you?   Summer is a good time to do family activities.  Why not try Martial Arts with your family?  It is a great family activity and Guerrero's Shotokan is blessed to have several families in the school.  We have entire families taking classes together.  Our school does not judge students if they are a bit uncoordinated or if they struggle with balance, etc.   We as instructors struggled with the same issues when we started and we have not forgotten those first classes we took many years ago.  If you keep coming to class and practicing all those things improve.

Call us at: 816-224-4447 and start your journey!

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Daily Kicks

 We always say in Karate, the best way not to get hit is not to be there.  In other words, pay attention and move out of the way.   That is a key to effective day to day self defense:  be aware of your surroundings and don't go to dangerous areas.

Awareness of your surroundings is essential.  Women have a gut instinct that can send alarm bells.  These alarm bells should garner the utmost attention. If a situation gives you a bad gut feeling, get out of there. If someone makes you uncomfortable, get away from that person and get to a safe area.  Who cares if you are wrong and nothing would have happended?  Better to be alive and feel a bit foolish than to ignore your gut feeling and end up dead.   

If a woman or child is abducted and taken to a second location, there is less than a 20% chance of surviving the abduction.   All women and children need to know some form of self defense.

Call Guerrero's Shotokan and arrange a time to come in and take a free class.  Karate is great for self defense.  All the techniques learned in our Katas can be used to defend yourself.   Call us at: 816-224-4447 and start your Martial Arts journey.  You and your family are worth the time and effort you will spend in classes.  Having the confidence to defend yourself is one of the greatest feelings in the world.

Sensei Julie Haskins, 4th Degree Black Belt, Renshi

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

 “In Aikido we never attack. An attack is proof that one is out of control. Never run away from any kind of challenge, but do not try to suppress or control an opponent unnaturally. Let attackers come any way they like and then blend with them. Never chase after opponents. Redirect each attack and get firmly behind it.”

― Morihei Ueshiba

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Daily Kicks


Striving for excellence includes a Martial Arts program.
Call Guerrero's Shotokan Karate at: 816-224-4447 to begin your journey!

Daily Kicks

"The greatest weapon in martial arts is not the fist or the foot, but the mind." Martial arts will help reduce stress and anxiety....