Monday, April 29, 2024

Daily Kicks

 “Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.”Winston Churchill

This is a concept all of us can use in our daily lives.   In order to succeed, we must be willing to fail.  It does take courage to continue after failure, but this is where mental toughness and character are built.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Daily Kick

 "If you always put a limit on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." 

 Bruce Lee

Thursday, April 18, 2024


                                     What is a Traditional Martial Arts School?


First, this type of school simply follows,  Tradition.   At Guerrero’s Shotokan, we belong to a Federation which Governs our curriculum and we use the Belt Ranking system established by the Federation.   We Bow when entering the mat area and Bow to our Instructors.   Respect is a cornerstone to this type of training.   We address our instructors as “Sensei” to reflect the respect for each of them.

We learn the Traditional Katas and we learn how to apply the techniques in the Katas through the study of Bunkai.   Students are not allowed to test for the next Belt Rank unless they know their material very well.   As the Student progresses in Belt Rank, they must learn to teach and handle a class on their own.   We do not test every student every 6 weeks.   Each student tests when he or she is ready.

Discipline is enforced in class.  The students must be engaged and working on what the Instructor asks them to do.  If the student is not paying attention or is disruptive, push ups will be assigned to the student by the Instructor. 

This type of training is so valuable for children and young people.   The training carries with the student through their primary and secondary years in school and into College and into their Career.   Students learn self control, self discipline, self motivation and how to set and achieve goals.

Do the students have fun?  Yes, they have a great deal of fun because they are not wasting energy misbehaving and disrupting other students.  They are learning the history of the Martial Art they are studying and learning to defend themselves with the techniques they practice.

I highly recommend a Traditional Martial Arts school for any Family who has an interest in helping their family and children succeed.

Contact us at Guerrero’s  to schedule a time to come in and try some free classes.  You can call us at: 816-224-4447.  We are located at: 1607 S. 7 Highway Blue Springs, Missouri.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024


 How to choose a Martial Arts School for your family


 1.  A primary issue is location of the Martial Arts School.   It is helpful to locate a good Martial Arts School that is close to your home.

2.   How do you determine the quality of the Instruction?  Check the Website of the School you are considering and see how many years of experience the Instructors have in Martial Arts and in teaching.  If the Instructors have less than 10 years experience, it would be better to locate a school with more experience in their Instructors.  If someone claims to be a Grand Master and does not have at least 40 years experience in teaching, you should avoid that school.

3.  How long has the School been in business?  Schools that have been in business longer, have a good chance of you being able to achieve the Belt rank you wish to achieve. There is a risk of a new school closing.  Most new Martial Arts schools go out of business in 18 months or less.

4.   Does the School charge a large sign up or Membership fee?  Do they require you to buy Sparring gear or other equipment up front?  Do they require you to sign a 2-4 year contract?  All these issues should be considered when you are looking for a school. A contract can be problematic.  What if you or your child cannot continue to take classes?  You are still responsible to pay for the contracted amount whether you attend class or not.

4.  Does the School guarantee you or your child will get a Black Belt in a certain time frame?  If so, proceed with caution.   Many programs like this charge several thousand dollars up front and guarantee a Black Belt in a certain amount of time.  It is not possible to guarantee that everyone will get a Black Belt in a certain time frame.  This is simply a revenue generator for the school.

5.  Can you trust the Instructors with your child?   Have the Instructors been background checked as safe to work with children?   This is essential when looking for a Martial Arts school for your family.

6.  Pricing for classes is an important consideration.  Going to a school with the cheapest prices per month is not always a good choice.  You are better served to pay more for the classes and get the classes you want with experienced Instructors who have a solid program and serious expectations of each student.  Schools that give out Belt ranks for the loudest Kia’s or for jumping the highest, are not Martial Arts schools.   If you want to learn to defend yourself or have a child who can defend him/herself, stay away from what are known in the industry as “McDojo’s”.  This type of Martial Arts school give out Belt ranks every 6 weeks for example.  Not all students progress at that pace.

If you want to see a Traditional, high quality Martial Arts school in action,  with experience instructors, come to Guerrero’s Shotokan and take some free classes.  We have been in business 18 years and we are located at: 1607 S. 7 Highway Blue Springs, MO 64015.   Call us at: 816-224-4447 and start your journey in Martial Arts.  Our Instructors are background checked and certified to work with Children through Virtus. Org.   Our school is also Bilingual:  we have English and Spanish speaking Instructors.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Daily Kicks

  “Fall down seven times, stand up eight.”  This quote means choosing to never give up.    You must never lose hope, and you should strive for more.  Seeing ahead of adversity helps you see the greater vision that may not be a reality yet.  This is the light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak.

Perserverance is one of the most important traits a person can develop.  Winston Churchill said, "Never, never, never give up!"   Truer words have never been spoken.   If you  struggle with perserverance, Martial Arts can be beneficial.   You will learn to set goals and do the work required to achieve those goals.  Some people go from job to job looking for the perfect job.   There are no perfect jobs.   You have to learn to contribute your own greatness to improve an imperfect work place.   One positive person can change an environment and help others become more positive.

Do you have a child who wants to try different activities, but loses interest quickly and wants to quit?   This is a good time as a parent to insist the child perservere.  There is no easy way to achievement.  Children  can learn to do  the work of goal setting and achievement.   This will be an important life skill for your child to embrace and will help them become successful in school, College and in their Career choice.  There is nothing sadder than a person without a purpose in life.   They toss and turn like a ship without a rudder and never experience real satisfaction in their own lives.  When they look back on their own lives, they sadly see they have accomplished very little of real significance.  Don't let this be you or your child.

High achieving people do the following:

  • They focus, review goals and sharpen their focus
  • They continue to learn and build competence
  • They refresh their passion and keep their goals in the forefront
If a student in our Dojo asks Sensei Julie, "how do I get a Black Belt?"  She always says the same thing, "Come to class and don't quit. That's how you become a Black Belt." 

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

 The students did a great job with their work during their recent Belt Rank promotion. If you would like to join our dojo and learn life skills, Self defense and traditional Martial Arts, give us a call at 816-224-4447, or if you wish, you may stop by for a free introductory class. We are located at:

1607 South 7 Highway
Blue Springs, 64014



Monday, April 8, 2024

Daily Kick

"The best fighter is someone who never has to fight because they control the situation." - Bruce Lee

 We have a great class on Friday mornings at 9 AM.  There are all ages and all skill levels represented in the Friday class.  The class was designed for the Home School family.   Come join the fun!  Call us at: 816-224-4447 to get information about all of our classes.

Friday, April 5, 2024

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Upcoming Event

You're Invited!

Saturday, April 13 @ 12:00pm - Re-Grand Opening and 18th Anniversary.  We invite all our students and families to attend a cookout to show our appreciation for all your help.  Each of you helped with the move to our new location in your own way and for that we are grateful.  Please plan to attend and help us celebrate the 18th Anniversary of the Dojo and our new location!

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Daily Kick 4/3/24

 "I do not fear the man who does 10,000 kicks.  I fear the man who does one kick 10,000 times."

--Bruce Lee

Monday, April 1, 2024

Daily Kick 4/1/2024

 "Karate-do may be referred to as the conflict within yourself, or a life-long marathon which can be won only through self-discipline, hard training, and your own creative efforts."    

 -- Gichin Funakoshi

Daily Kicks

"The greatest weapon in martial arts is not the fist or the foot, but the mind." Martial arts will help reduce stress and anxiety....