Thursday, April 18, 2024


                                     What is a Traditional Martial Arts School?


First, this type of school simply follows,  Tradition.   At Guerrero’s Shotokan, we belong to a Federation which Governs our curriculum and we use the Belt Ranking system established by the Federation.   We Bow when entering the mat area and Bow to our Instructors.   Respect is a cornerstone to this type of training.   We address our instructors as “Sensei” to reflect the respect for each of them.

We learn the Traditional Katas and we learn how to apply the techniques in the Katas through the study of Bunkai.   Students are not allowed to test for the next Belt Rank unless they know their material very well.   As the Student progresses in Belt Rank, they must learn to teach and handle a class on their own.   We do not test every student every 6 weeks.   Each student tests when he or she is ready.

Discipline is enforced in class.  The students must be engaged and working on what the Instructor asks them to do.  If the student is not paying attention or is disruptive, push ups will be assigned to the student by the Instructor. 

This type of training is so valuable for children and young people.   The training carries with the student through their primary and secondary years in school and into College and into their Career.   Students learn self control, self discipline, self motivation and how to set and achieve goals.

Do the students have fun?  Yes, they have a great deal of fun because they are not wasting energy misbehaving and disrupting other students.  They are learning the history of the Martial Art they are studying and learning to defend themselves with the techniques they practice.

I highly recommend a Traditional Martial Arts school for any Family who has an interest in helping their family and children succeed.

Contact us at Guerrero’s  to schedule a time to come in and try some free classes.  You can call us at: 816-224-4447.  We are located at: 1607 S. 7 Highway Blue Springs, Missouri.

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