Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Daily Kicks

  “Fall down seven times, stand up eight.”  This quote means choosing to never give up.    You must never lose hope, and you should strive for more.  Seeing ahead of adversity helps you see the greater vision that may not be a reality yet.  This is the light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak.

Perserverance is one of the most important traits a person can develop.  Winston Churchill said, "Never, never, never give up!"   Truer words have never been spoken.   If you  struggle with perserverance, Martial Arts can be beneficial.   You will learn to set goals and do the work required to achieve those goals.  Some people go from job to job looking for the perfect job.   There are no perfect jobs.   You have to learn to contribute your own greatness to improve an imperfect work place.   One positive person can change an environment and help others become more positive.

Do you have a child who wants to try different activities, but loses interest quickly and wants to quit?   This is a good time as a parent to insist the child perservere.  There is no easy way to achievement.  Children  can learn to do  the work of goal setting and achievement.   This will be an important life skill for your child to embrace and will help them become successful in school, College and in their Career choice.  There is nothing sadder than a person without a purpose in life.   They toss and turn like a ship without a rudder and never experience real satisfaction in their own lives.  When they look back on their own lives, they sadly see they have accomplished very little of real significance.  Don't let this be you or your child.

High achieving people do the following:

  • They focus, review goals and sharpen their focus
  • They continue to learn and build competence
  • They refresh their passion and keep their goals in the forefront
If a student in our Dojo asks Sensei Julie, "how do I get a Black Belt?"  She always says the same thing, "Come to class and don't quit. That's how you become a Black Belt." 

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What does it mean to be a Black Belt?

  Being a Black Belt encompasses many things.  Number one, it means you are a hard worker and you don't give up.   Those two entities ar...