Monday, June 10, 2024


If you have children, do you want them to continue learning and disciplining themselves to study something during the summer?   Why not put them in a quality Martial Arts program?   They will get a class  that will engage both the left and right hemispheres of their brains.  Using both sides of the brain boosts learning and memory.  That is why children in Martial Arts tend to excel in school. If you have a child who has balance or coordination issues, Martial Arts can be very helpful to develop these skills.   Your child will exercise their full body just by taking a class. 

  From time to time, we give the children a paper to write on subjects such as: what the colors on the American flag represent or why we celebrate the 4th of July, for examples.  Your child will have to research the subject and write a paper to present in class.  Depending on their age, parental assistance is allowed.  Doing research and putting their own knowledge down in the form of an essay is great practice for upper Academic studies and career pursuits.

Call Guerrero's Shotokan and take advantage of our summer special:  two free classes and a Gi for $25.  Then tuition of $50 per month.  Your child can start what may be a life long journey in Martial Arts and a life long journey of success!

Phone: 816-224-4447

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