Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Importance of Martial Arts

 There are many reasons that training in Martial Arts is important.  I will discuss four major points to consider.

1.  Self Defense: This is the main reason many people sign up for Martial Arts training.   Violence is a reality and is prevalent in our society.  Training in Martial Arts improves your chance of survival, if attacked.  A good program also teaches risk recognition and risk avoidance.  In other words, you will learn to avoid bad locations and bad situations.

2. Self Confidence:  Training helps people realize their own capabilities and strengths.  We are stronger than we realize and we can do more than we think we can. Both of these realities increase Self Confidence and reduce fear.  Our drive to train to survive increases with our Self Confidence.  Our feeling of self preservation strengthens, thus our confidence increases.  Being confident helps you avoid an attack.  Confident people just look like they will be too much trouble for an attacker.  Human predators want someone who is passive and easy to subdue.

3. Health Benefits:  We can reduce stress and release pent up energy during training.   We can release negative emotions during our training.  If you have a bad day, take it out on a Wave Master before class! The exercise of training along with a healthy diet can help in weight loss and help to build muscle mass.  There are health benefits to training for all ages.

4.  Sense of Belonging:  In a good Martial Arts School you will develop a feeling of family or Community.  You will meet people of all ages and in all walks of life.  These people become your friends many times and people in a Martial Arts School may find themselves socializing with other people and their families as well as training together.  Having this type of support during good times and times of loss is extremely beneficial.  The people in your Martial Arts School become a group of people you know you can trust and you can count on.

Call Guerrero's Shotokan Karate and start your Martial Arts journey.  We teach Shotokan, Aikido and Okinawan Weapons.  We can be reached at: 816-224-4447 or on the internet at: We would love for you to become part of our family!

Monday, September 16, 2024

Especial de regreso a clases

Guerrero's Shotokan Karate
1607 S. 7 Highway
Blue Springs, MO 64015


Guerrero's Shotokan Karate Back to School Special

Guerrero's Shotokan Karate
1607 S. 7 Highway
Blue Springs, MO 64015


Daily Kicks


  • "The best fighter is someone who never has to fight because they control the situation." 

  •  Bruce Lee

At Guerrero's we do not learn Karate so we can go out and fight.  We learn that Karate is for self defense only, and is a last resort during a confrontation.   We strive to diffuse the situation, thus controlling the outcome.  Call Guerrero's today at: 816-224-4447 to start your Martial Arts journey.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Is the purpose of Karate to have Fun?

 The people who created Shotokan Karate did not necessarily expect it to be fun.  I doubt they imagined that it would become a World Wide activity with tournaments and seminars. The original purpose was to protect the Emperor of Okinawa and his family.  They had to dispense with their enemies quickly and effectively.  The original training was brutal and produced microfractures in the hands/wrists, feet/toes and shins.

In today's society, the training has inevitably changed.   No one wants to live with the arthritic changes, degenerative joint disease and pain that repeated injuries produce.  However, a traditional Dojo is still possible with a strict training regimen and requirements.   There can be fun in the discovery of techniques, sparring and working with a trusted partner.  But, with that being said, the discipline must remain intact and the standards of performance must be maintained.

The Shotokan we practice today is most certainly very different than that of the developers of the style.  In the West, people do have very different expectations.   Fun can be part of a serious school, especially in the core upper belt students. What is seen as fun as a beginner, will be different that what a Black Belt may see as fun.  Black Belts may create fun in their classes as they become free to explore techniques and counter techniques. Even the fun that Upper Belts have, must still show discipline and committment.

If you are in a Traditional Dojo, fun is not the goal.  In fact, I have heard High Ranking Martial Artists say, "If the Dojo you train at is fun, you are in the wrong Dojo."  

The bottom line is, there is a time and place for fun.  Every class will be different.  You as a student have to show up ready for whatever your Sensei has planned for the class with a willing attitude and a heart to do the hard things as well as the fun things.

The Importance of Martial Arts

 There are many reasons that training in Martial Arts is important.  I will discuss four major points to consider. 1.  Self Defense : This i...